Free Solar Programs
in Washington D.C.
Washington D.C. has the strongest solar incentives in the nation! This paves the way for free solar programs in Washington DC.
Currently there are two FREE SOLAR programs being offered to home owners with properties located in DC:
D.C. Solar Solution Program's provides a way to go solar with $0.00 cost and no credit checks in Washington D.C.
Customer receives free solar power from the electricity the panels produce at a rate of 04 per kWh. In exchange, Solar Solution is able to finance these systems from the Tax Credits and SREC Revenue, providing our customers free solar with no out of pocket investment costs!

Click on the links above to be redirected to their pages to read more about each program. Or simply fill out our form here to be contacted directly, as there are many exceptions available based on zoned neighborhoods in DC that qualify for low income incentives.